Agile and Infrastructure as Code at the Core

Project Overview:

A global retailer faced challenges in scaling their IT infrastructure for an expanding e-commerce sector. Their outdated systems couldn’t meet the fast-paced demands of online shopping, leading to inefficiencies in inventory management and customer service. The retailer needed a technological and cultural shift towards agile, scalable solutions to enhance operational efficiency, improve service reliability, and accelerate the deployment of new digital features.

The Solution:

Unified Technologies tackled the retailer’s challenges head-on by architecting a solution centered around Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform and implementing Agile development practices along with Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This strategy was designed to overhaul the retailer’s IT infrastructure, making it more scalable, flexible, and aligned with modern retail demands.

Infrastructure as Code with Terraform:

  • Terraform Implementation: We initiated the transformation by deploying Terraform, a powerful IaC tool, to manage and provision the retailer’s IT infrastructure through code. This allowed for the rapid deployment of scalable and secure cloud infrastructure across all operational regions, ensuring consistency and repeatability in environments.
  • Modular Infrastructure Design: By creating Terraform modules for different components of the retailer’s infrastructure, we enabled reusable, customizable, and easily manageable infrastructure components that could be deployed across various environments with minimal effort.
  • Version-Controlled Infrastructure: All Terraform configurations were stored in version-controlled repositories, ensuring that changes to the infrastructure could be tracked, reviewed, and audited, enhancing collaboration among teams and reducing deployment errors.

Agile Development Practices:

  • Cross-functional Teams: We structured the IT department into cross-functional teams, each responsible for different aspects of the digital transformation, from online sales platforms to supply chain optimizations. These teams adopted Agile methodologies, enabling them to iterate quickly, adapt to changes, and continuously improve their processes and products.
  • Sprint Planning and Reviews: Regular sprint planning sessions and reviews were instituted, allowing teams to prioritize work, set realistic timelines, and regularly assess progress. This approach fostered a culture of transparency, accountability, and continuous feedback.

CI/CD Pipelines:

  • Automated Build and Deployment: We implemented CI/CD pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment processes for both application and infrastructure code. This ensured that code changes were automatically tested and deployed to production environments swiftly and reliably, reducing manual errors and deployment times.
  • Continuous Testing and Monitoring: Integration with automated testing frameworks and monitoring tools within the CI/CD pipelines allowed for continuous quality assurance and real-time monitoring of application performance. This helped in identifying and addressing issues early in the development cycle, ensuring high-quality deployments.


Through the strategic implementation of Infrastructure as Code with Terraform, adoption of Agile development practices, and the establishment of CI/CD pipelines, Unified Technologies provided the retailer with a robust, scalable, and efficient IT infrastructure. This transformation enabled the retailer to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and adapt more quickly to market changes, thereby securing a competitive edge in the global retail industry.


Projects Benifits

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Project Information

  • Clients:Global Retailer
  • Category:Retail